The superfuel of the future.

Our research on plasma's practical applications and physical properties has improved the lives of many, along with providing many job opportunities. Whether you are an average citizen just living your everyday life, a contractor working in the most dangerous of situations, or even a clown, plasma has most likely been helping you in some way or another.

Rumors of plasma being used to make WMDs and other such harmful items is entirely untrue, and NT reserves the right to sue for defamation in response to any such accusations.

For futher inqueries on plasma research, contact Dr. Ayaash Hieng.

Image of plasma giant "Typhon"


Connecting people together.

A joint project from NT and Thinktronic Systems, LTD. The PDA is a revolutionary device that can be used both recreationally and professionally! The revolutionary PLASMA™ chip inside allows the PDA to have unparalleled computational speeds compared to other personal handheld computers along with beautiful 2-bit graphics! Whether you're playing amazing games such as Robustris™, Hopper™, Legless lizard™, and MORE!

Due to security flaws, all games except for Robustris™ have been recalled from the PDA. Robustris™ may have the same security flaws but for some reason the developer coded it entirely in Brainfuck so we cant actually tell.

Official promotional material for the PDA


Truly intelligent AI.

One of NT's most crowning scientific achievements, creating a truly conscious Artificial Intelligence. With enough believability to pass the Turing test 100% of the time, while still being completely safe*! Personalize your AI: Upload your own laws to tailor their behavior to your liking**!

*Under standard law-set.
**Alteration of base Asimov laws may cause unexpected behavior, such as: Murder.

Standard AI model

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