On the 24th of May, 2041 at 9:03 AM, a plasma explosion in the Helicon Refinery Plant with the approximate power of 3 and half Tsar Bombas leveled the bustling Iridium City (Pop. 9 Million).

Photo of Iridium City ruins, present day (as of 2056)

7 Million of its inhabitants were instantly killed in the explosion, with the rest dying soon after to acute plasma poisoning.

Satellite photo taken 1 week after disaster

Helicon Employees had submitted several safety complaints prior to the leak and subsequent explosion, all of which were ignored.

Investigations revealed that the highly unstable plasma was being stored at 2 million psi, over 7,000 times the legal limit.

Nanotrasen is the corporation that founded and "maintained" the Helicon Refinery Plant. They knew it was dangerous, yet they did nothing.

You must be wondering what the repurcussions were. Did Nanotrasen go under? Did the people responsible for this get what they deserve?

The answer is no. They didnt undergo any repurcussions. No arrests were made. No one was brought to justice.

Nanotrasen wants you to forget any of this happened. That they killed 9 million people. Dont let them win. Remember what happened.